Fears And Doubts About Ways To FILL Your Sketchbook in 2021.

FILL Your Sketchbook

There's this little thing that we all want to fill up and we buy more and more of them. We don't do anything with them and it's kind of an addiction. You see a cute sketchbook, you got to have it, but it's kind of hard to fill them sometimes. So summers coming. I wanted to tell you guys a couple of ways to fill your sketchbook in the summer. I've got a lot of ways but first I'm gonna give you a disclaimer at the beginning. like there's this kind of stigma where We as artists feel this odd pressure when it comes to sketchbooks. Now, this kind of comes with like a black and a white area. Your sketchbook should never be something that you finish projects. People say you need to push yourself and create good stuff in your sketchbook. I'm not going to tell you to do either one of those things because that your sketchbook is your place.

Fears And Doubts About Ways To FILL Your Sketchbook in 2021.

I hope that you can kind of not listen to either side. Nobody has to see it and if they do, It's not their call to tell you how you should be doing your art ideas drawing. I'm not gonna tell you, you have to do any of these things. If you're looking for inspiration and you kind of feel like Man, why is it so hard to create artwork in the summer? I'm gonna show you where you can find inspiration and Have some fun! Okay, let's hop into this and I hope, as I said, inspiration finds you! Don't fall. I'm gonna leave the art supplies I use down below too. Hashtag not sponsored. Also if you see a cut on my neck, I got half my thyroid removed, so I'm recovering. Yeah, we're good now. First thing, find a sketchbook that you like and find one that fits what you're doing. So for me, I like to do art on the go, all the time. 

Sketchbook Process

So, right now I'm using this little field artist sketchbook. Gonna measure it real quick. Yeah, it's 5 by 5, good. I'll leave the link below because I love this thing. What's cool about this sketchbook? Let me tell you why. I'm gonna open it to an empty spot, So, there are no spoiler alerts. The paper in this is so thick,  you can take it out into nature, do what you want, you can paint on it, which is great. You can use comics in it, which is great. It's watercolor paper, but I find everything works in it because the paper is sturdy. Yeah, it works for all my needs. but you know, if you don't paint a lot, this sketchbook might not be useful to you. You might want one that's for Copic markers and the stuff doesn't bleed through, what's it called? A Crescent renders sketchbook. I'll link that below too because those are good for markers. My friend Chloe Rose actually sent me this sketchbook, which is for acrylics. So there's pretty much one for everybody out there. This one is cool, by the way. Yourself to different surroundings if you're struggling with inspiration. 

Fears And Doubts About Ways To FILL Your Sketchbook in 2021.

This is something, my husband. We go to coffee shops or you know, I work on art during car rides, plane rides, at airports, new places. It sparks inspiration for me to change up my surroundings. Go somewhere else instead of my house and it always - I don't know. It makes me want to draw. So it'll inspire you a little bit too. Coffee shops are definitely my favorite place because I can feel like I'm dating my husband. It's a win-win situation. Why not? The next thing takes yourself into places that you know will inspire you. For me, my weak spot is nature. Here we are approaching this little piece of beauty and this is what we're doing here. We're gonna set up some art area and my husband's gonna sit with me and I'm gonna draw. Here we are. Opening the sketchbook, and I'm doodling what I see. It doesn't have to be anything special but you know, what it gets the creative juices flowing. That's what we want. That is exactly what we want and it's always a good time.

Flowers Filling

We have fun and he'll have a book or studying whatever. I usually draw what I see or paint leaves. That kind of thing. It works out. I definitely think nature inspires me the most because. My subject matter usually incorporates nature in a lot of my larger pieces. you'll see some sort of flowers or leaves or something incorporated into the drawing. A lot of the time nowadays my main subject has become nature. So, like surrounding myself in that helps with creating artwork. Even if it's a doodle, I like it. The fourth thing you can do, if you've made smaller artwork. You don't know where to put it, You can hide it inside your sketchbook. For me. This is satisfying, having stuff falling out of my sketchbook all the time. I don't know why. I love it. So, I like adding small pieces. Sometimes I even press flowers in my sketchbook like this orchid here. You could do that if you want since it's summer. For more update about drawing art and filling sketching then visit Cool drawing ideas

Flowers are everywhere. It's always pretty Right now, I'm going to press these pretty leaves in it to show you what you can do for the next thing. Whoo-hoo! All right. I let those sit in my sketchbook for a nice day. They got flat and now I'm using Mod Podge to secure them to the page. Sometimes leaves fall out and that can get annoying. because they crinkle I didn't want them to fall apart. They're gonna stay here forever and they usually keep their color when I do this. It's pretty opening them up later and looking at the pages. I also took this little paper Monstera - is how you say it? Leaves and I put those on the other side, that way it's like a whole Mod Podge spiel going on. I liked the way that turned out. This is the stuff that inspires me, So I may as well have it on hand in my sketchbook, right?

But you don't have time to create your idea or you don't feel like it right there and then, you have this stream of ideas? Well, I like to keep lists in my sketchbook. See this isn't even like real art projects. This is like: I'm gonna put my ideas in here for later and it helps me. when I need inspiration and I need to get creative juices flowing and your sketchbook. it's okay and I find it helps me so much when I look through my sketchbook, and I'm like, I forgot about that. I can do that right now. So yeah. Even if you don't feel like making art, you can make a list if you want. Up to you because it's your sketchbook guys. Swatch colors see I'm trying to show you different things. You can do that aren't actually full-on projects. Because these are the things that always spark my inspiration. Cool drawing ideas pictures in my sketchbook later. Because I'm giving myself lists of ideas and now I'm swatching different colors. 

So sometimes I'll look at different colored things. that  I pick out, as this color scheme here that I'm painting, you know, I'm gonna clarify. I'm like that would be fun to make something with that. I don't know what I'm gonna make but I'll challenge myself. I'll set up these different color schemes, and then I'll try to roll with it later and it ends up being very fun. I do it all the time in Photoshop. I'll grab swatches from furniture pictures, interior design rooms. I'm like, ooh, I love this color scheme. so yeah, I'll save it in my sketchbook. It's inspirational. I love doing this. I definitely encourage you to try it, if you don't do this. You can make your page pretty too. It's all colorful. Hmm. The next thing you can do is take those ideas that you wrote down and roll with it do a draft. You want to make it into a larger project later. Haha. Ya can! This one wasn't actually on my list of ideas, but looking at my list of ideas. I kind of came up with this. so I've been working on these animals in clothing series and if you watch my other youtube videos, you'll see that. 

Fears And Doubts About Ways To FILL Your Sketchbook in 2021.

I put a couple of animals on that list and then I thought about it. I could do a little bunny or a cat in a teacup and that'd be cute. So, that's what I'm doing right here. You'll notice that I'm not developing it or anything. I'm kind of splashing some color here and there and then adding some fun details. You can do a full piece if you want or you can do a little draft like this. So, you have your idea down and develop it into something bigger later or leave it. I mean, as I said, it's your sketchbook, you get to do what you want. I'm trying to give you inspiration for the summer on how to fill your sketchbook. I hope you can kind of breakthrough that, you have to do what other people are saying. You should do it in your sketchbook because your art is your expression. It's like an extension of yourself within this beautiful art diary that you make your own. I hope you feel like there's less pressure for you and that you can do some of these things. Even too if you want If you have other ideas, do them, share them below. So other people can have more inspiration and we can encourage each other as an art community. It's fun to express myself in sketchbooks and like for a good year. I lost that because I felt so much pressure to make my art a certain way in this and now that. It's so liberating. So freeing and I know, I did a video, 10 ways I filled my sketchbook over the winter. And yeah, I still am kind of inspired, Inspired! Yeah, that's the word, from it. So this is the second video. Alrighty guys, before we go, I have one more thing to suggest to you. Because if you do that you'll always have something on the go and that way.

Source: Cool drawing ideas, Drawing for kids, Cartoon drawing
