
Fears And Doubts About Ways To FILL Your Sketchbook in 2021.

FILL Your Sketchbook There's this little thing that we all want to fill up and we buy more and more of them. We don't do anything with them and it's kind of an addiction. You see a cute sketchbook, you got to have it, but it's kind of hard to fill them sometimes. So summers coming. I wanted to tell you guys a couple of ways to fill your sketchbook in the summer. I've got a lot of ways but first I'm gonna give you a disclaimer at the beginning. like there's this kind of stigma where We as artists feel this odd pressure when it comes to sketchbooks. Now, this kind of comes with like a black and a white area. Your sketchbook should never be something that you finish projects. People say you need to push yourself and create good stuff in your sketchbook. I'm not going to tell you to do either one of those things because that your sketchbook is your place. I hope that you can kind of not listen to either side. Nobody has to see it and if they do, It's not